About Dr. Kazuko

The driving force of the Gaia Holistic Inc, Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura Hillyer, was born in a distinguished old family of silk in Kyoto Japan, living in New York City since 1961. She is a renowned international philanthropist as well as a successful business woman. She has been instrumental in assisting many worthy organizations. Her tireless life-long work in philanthropic field is vast and well known, ranging from a movement she spearheaded to save New York City`s historic Beacon Theatre from demolition, founding “Save the Boat People”, an organization devoted to the plight of the Asian refugees, building a School for Manjushree Tibetan Orphanage in the Himalayas and many others. She has donated countless hours, knowledge and funds to world tragedies for the devastating Hurricane in New Orleans caused by Katrina, the Earthquake in Haiti, the Tsunami and Earthquake in Northern Japan, Aids and HIV positive children in Africa, homeless people in New York City, to name a few. Her dedicated work for Tibet and Tibetan children remains very strong in her heart. She writes books and lectures and does seminars and teaches all over the world. She is a Board Member of Orphans International World Wide and Tibet House USA, among others. She has developed a unique Far Infra-Red handheld device a totally non-evasive healing method called ONNETSU THERAPY and is currently helping many people with "incurable" diseases world wide as well as promoting general health.
Dr.Kazuko is invited as a speaker at World Congress of Holistic Health (partial list):
- Lima, Peru – I Congreso Nacional de MedicinaTradicional Alternativa Y Complementaria, Nov. 2011
- Florence, Italy – 5th European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Sept 2012
- Lima, Peru – II Congreso Latinoamericano De Medicina Integrativa, Nov. 2013
- Puebla, Mexico – 4th Congreso Internacional Medicina Alternativa, Jan. 2014
- Belgrade, Serbia – 7th European Congress for Integrative Medicine in Serbia, Oct. 2014
- Puebla, Mexico – 5th Congreso Internacional de Medicina Alternativa, Jan. 2015.
- Mexico, Mexico – 1st Congreso de Alternativas Medicas y Terapias Terreno, Jul. 2015
- Habana, Cuba – V Convencion De La Sociedad Cubana De Medicina Bioenergetic Y Naturalista
I Congreso Internacional Terapia Onnetsu Mar. 2015. - Lima, Peru – International Congress / Herb & Onnetsu Therapy Sep. 1-5 2015
- Los Angeles, USA – 36th, 43rd, 44th Cancer Control Society Convention, Sep. 2008, 2015, 2016
- Budapest, Hungary – 9th European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Sep. 2016
- Berlin, Germany – World Congress of Intergrated Medicine May 2017 READ MORE